With about 2,000 flowering species in their wildly diverse genus, there’s definitely space for all kinds of plant lovers to find a begonia to love. Some begonia shimmer with iridescence, others form perfect spirals like a snail, while some grow monstrously huge, and others are bright and spindly. Their range is incredible. What’s fascinating is that all of these characteristics and adaptations generally serve a purpose in the wild.
When looking for the right spot to place your Begonia in your home, keep in mind what type of Begonia it you've purchased.
Cane Begonia tend to prefer bright indirect light while rhizamatous and rex Begonias prefer a bit more shade.
If you are not sure what type of Begonia you have and their leaves appear a bit burned, move it to a shadier spot.
Begonias like their soil to dry out slightly but not entirely. Consistent moisture is the key.
Water your Begonia every
1 - 2 weeks depending on environmental conditions including light and temperature.
Plants in medium light require watering less often that plants in bright indirect light.
The soil should be loose and not densely packed to allow for free water drainage and oxygen supply to the roots. We recommend a cacti and succulent mix for your Begonia.
Adding coco coir which has water retentive qualities to the cacti and succulent mix will ensure consistent moisture which Begonia prefer.
Begonias will grow best in environments between 15°C and 25°C all year around.
As Begonias do not like sudden changes in temperature, do not place your Begonia near doors or windows as they do not like draft and it may cause them to drop their leaves.
In winter keep them away from log burners or away from the path of the airflow from your heat pump.
Begonias are native to places where humidity is high which makes them ideal for terrariums.
You can replicate their native environment by putting them on a pebble tray or grouping them with other plants which will help to increase humidity.
Running a humidifier for a few hours a day will be greatly beneficial also or placing them in the bathroom which are naturally humid
should light levels allow.
Feed your Begonia with a well balanced all around houseplant fertiliser.
Follow the instructions on the bottle as more is NOT always better when it comes to fertiliser.
During spring and summer, fertilise at full strength every fortnight and in autumn and winter at half strength once a month.
Begonias can be propagation through multiple ways.
You can propagate them through leaf stem cuttings. They will grow roots from the part of the stem where the cut was made.
You can also propagate them through leaf division which is quite unique to Begonias and only a few other plants.
Lastly you can propagate Begonias through rhizome cuttings which is similar to leaf stem cuttings but the cutting not necessarily requires leaves.