Mourning becomes...
Smartfox Books Code: PR10373
Approx $128.83 USD
Revisiting the Camps: A New Perspective on British Concentration Camps in the South African War
This compelling and groundbreaking work offers a fresh perspective on the British concentration camps during the South African War, challenging many long-held beliefs and accepted facts. The author delves into the complexities of how these camps have been historically represented, revealing a narrative shaped significantly by the agendas of key women activists within Boer proto-nationalist circles. Through meticulous archival research and critical analysis, the book uncovers the processes of 'post/memory'—the deliberate shaping and reshaping of historical memory to support racialized nationalist frameworks.
Key Aspects Covered in the Book:
Challenging Established Narratives: The book questions the commonly accepted accounts of the British-run concentration
camps, revealing how traditional understandings have been influenced by selective testimony and historical revisionism. It provides a
thorough examination of how these narratives were crafted and propagated by influential Boer nationalist activists.
Archival Evidence and Analysis: Using detailed archival evidence, the author presents a nuanced view of the camps' history.
The book highlights how the dominant narratives were constructed and how they diverged from the actual conditions experienced by camp
Health Crises and Mortality: The book sheds light on the true causes of mortality in the camps, emphasizing that many
deaths resulted from epidemics of measles, typhoid, enteritis, and pneumonia rather than deliberate ill-treatment by the British. This
approach contrasts with the dominant narrative of intentional mistreatment.
Commemorative Activities and Nationalism: The book explores how mourning and memorialization of those who died in the camps
were overshadowed by state-sponsored commemorative activities aimed at advancing pan-Boer nationalist aspirations. It examines the role of
these activities in shaping collective memory and national identity.
Innovative Historical Approach: The author's innovative approach invites readers to explore the commemorative sites and
land acts that have left a lasting mark on the South African landscape. This exploration provides a deeper understanding of how historical
memory and nationalism have intersected in shaping modern South African identity.
Historical Impact and Legacy: By reevaluating the history of the concentration camps and their representation, the book
contributes to a more accurate and nuanced understanding of the South African War. It challenges readers to reconsider the ways in which
historical narratives are constructed and maintained.
This book is an essential read for scholars, students, and anyone interested in South African history, colonial studies, and the dynamics of historical memory. It offers a critical reassessment of a pivotal historical event and provides valuable insights into the intersections of memory, nationalism, and historical representation.